Monday, November 17, 2014

Falcon Punch with Maya Fluids

With the upcoming release of Super Smash Bros I thought it would be fun to use the creative freedom of the Visual Effects 2 class to have some fun with the projects. For this first one I went for a Falcon Punch effect. First I did some research and asset gathering. This was looking up effective techniques for creating fires in Maya, searching for reference on both the falcon punch and real life fires, this is because the falcon punch is stylized and the instructor still wanted some level of realism, and finding the models I needed to pull off the extra animation in a timely matter. Once I had all that, it was time to start building the fire.

The first thing I did was bring in a model of the falcon to animate the motion of the punch, this would be underneath the flame and be hidden while emitting fire. I got the model here and it came rigged so that made the base building process a lot faster. Once the geometry was emitting the fluid it took quite some tweaking to make it stick to the geometry and not fly off too far, as well as looking somewhat realistic. In the Density section of the Fluid Shape, I raised the Dissipation and Buoyancy to get the fire to stick to the geo more and give it some more life. I also increased the x value of velocity scale to get a bit of trail on the fire. These were the biggest changes, but there were many other smaller ones that brought it to exactly where it came, including some adjustment in Nuke to fix some things I just couldn't change in Maya. The trick to this was rendering out in passes so that you can edit the fire independently from everything else.

The fire fist at the end was just a smaller version of the punch, and I chose to stick to altering similar settings, but on a smaller scale, except this time I was emitting from a sphere, not a falcon.

I had a lot of fun creating this effect and I'd like to include links to some of the extra assets I used so you could have some fun with it yourself.

Captain Falcon model
Stage model
Stage background
Sound clips

Friday, November 14, 2014

Visual Effects 2 and Compositing & Scene Finishing

For the month of November I'm taking two classes that are continuations of previous classes. Visual Effects 2 further explores dynamics in Maya and even goes into Houdini which I'm fresh off of learning in Software Technology, instead this time we're using it for effects, not modeling. The other class is Compositing and Scene Finishing, which builds off of Compositing Fundamentals. That class was a really long time ago, much before I started this blog. Here we learn a new 3D tracking program called SynthEyes while also expanding on our Nuke knowledge. Because this blog didn't exist during my first compositing class, I'll post the final group project now, because it was the culmination of many techniques I learned in that class. I'm really excited to learn new techniques in both classes this month that'll take me further.

Also I'm taking the Full Sail Animation Art Test this month, which is kind of like another class where I have to animate a sneeze while reaching weekly milestones. Should be a fun and busy month.