Saturday, September 6, 2014

Motion Capture and Visual Development

This month I started two new classes, one of which is very new material and one is a refresher and expansion of a class I took months ago.

In mocap, there are two new programs to learn, Cortex and MotionBuilder. These are used to clean up the motion capture footage and make it ready to use in Maya. All the skills we learn throughout the month are building up to a final group project that takes place throughout the whole month. That consists of making a 40 second animation using mocaped footage. 

Visual Development seems to be a continuation of Shading and Lighting. Here we are learning how to properly set up lighting in Maya. This includes lights, rendering, texturing, shaders, and compositing.

Each class has unique projects that help us apply the concepts and I'll be posting some of those as they happen.

I am really excited to build up my skills this month and share them with all of you.

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